If you are running a private limited company, you will be required to submit a set of audited financial statements to ACRA for annual return filing and IRAS for tax filing.
If you are running an exempt private limited company, you will be required to submit a declaration of solvency to ACRA if your company is solvent. If your company is insolvent, you will need to submit a set of unaudited financial statements to ACRA. In both cases, you will need to submit a set of unaudited financial statements to IRAS for tax filing.
If you are in a partnership, there is no requirement to prepare a full set of financial statements. However, if your business turnover is more than S$500,000, you will need to prepare a certified statement of accounts to IRAS for tax filing.
If you are a sole proprietor with business turnover of more than S$500,000, you will need to prepare a certified statement of accounts to IRAS for tax filing.
You may wish to consider the accounting services offered by ContactOne to assist you in the preparation of financial documents.